Current hours 2025
- Monday: 1:30-4:30
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9:30-noon, 1:30-4:30
- Friday, Saturday, Sunday: closed
- Summer hours can be irregular so contact us in advance. We are often closed in July.
Since the MLA has only one staff person, hours can sometimes be irregular because of meetings, absences, etc.
The purpose of the Mennonite Library and Archives at Bethel College is to help people answer questions about the Mennonite past. To do this, the MLA collects, preserves, and makes available personal papers, documents, periodicals, books and other media related to Mennonite studies. The MLA serves as the official archives of Bethel College and Western District Conference and as a research center promoting the study of Anabaptist and Mennonite history. The MLA is open to the public.
The MLA has in its holdings about 37,000 books, 9,000 volumes of bound periodicals, and approximately 6,800 cubic feet of archival records. In addition, there are large collections of electronic records, audio and video recordings, microforms, photographs, motion pictures, maps, and other items.
The MLA recently completed a successful campaign to build a $1 million endowment to stabilize our long-term funding. However, we’re on our way to the second million! Please contact us if you are interested in supporting our endowment (or our regular budget). The MLA is funded entirely by Bethel College and Western District Conference. We would be glad for any monetary donation you might be able to give us toward the work of preserving Mennonite collective memory.
You may make a monetary donation here.
Archival and Library Guides (links)
(Some of our archival holdings are stored off-site, at two different locations. Those materials that are stored off-site may take 2-3 days to be retrieved and thus would not be immediately usable.)
Mennonite Archival Information Database
Some of our archival holdings are cataloged in the Mennonite Archival Information Database, shared with several other Mennonite archives in the US and Canada. Adding more of our holdings is a long-term, ongoing process.
Mennonite Polish Studies Association
Anabaptist History Today
Native American sources
Policies, fee schedule, etc. (links)
Publications (links)
Bethel College Library
The Mennonite Library and Archives is located in the Bethel College library building (North Newton, Kansas). We are on the main floor of the old side (east side) of the building.
Monday 1:30-4:30
Tuesday through Thursday 9:30-noon and 1:30-4:30
(Email for summer hours.)
See Contact Us link above.